Learn how to create simple, but powerful marketing videos to boost sales and conversions by yourself.

Video marketing is a simple but powerful SKILL you can use to leverage your business, products and services.

Efficient marketing videos are simple and can be done by virtually anyone with the right guidance.

We understand the impact that video marketing has over the selling process. That’s why we created this course, to help people like you get the skills you need to produce your very own marketing videos.

Every product can be explained through VIDEO, and it’s scientifically proven that they have a much higher influence over regular marketing methods.

In this course you’ll learn:

  • the basics behind video production
  • how to write a good sales script
  • how to mix audio, video and text
  • how to deliver a message in an audiovisual fashion.

We got our guy Max to record himself creating a simple marketing video for a fictitious product and to go through all of the production process.

He’s going to tell you exactly what you need to know to be able to start creating videos by yourself.

In the promo video we included the sample video that you will be able to create when you enroll in this course.

How to Create a Marketing Video for Your Business or Product

Learn how to create simple, but powerful marketing videos to boost sales and conversions by yourself.»

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