Disease Prediction 2 Projects in Apache Spark(ML) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) Community edition
Apache Spark Project – Heart Attack and Diabetes Prediction Project in Apache Spark Machine Learning Project (2 mini-projects) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) (Community edition Server)
In this Data science Machine Learning project, we will create
1) Heart Disease Prediction
2) Diabetes Prediction
using a few algorithms of the predictive models.
Explore Apache Spark and Machine Learning on the Databricks platform.
Launching Spark Cluster
Process that data using a Machine Learning model (Spark ML Library)
Hands-on learning
Real time Use Case
Create a Data Pipeline
Publish the Project on Web to Impress your recruiter
Graphical Representation of Data using Databricks notebook.
Transform structured data using SparkSQL and DataFrames
Data exploration using Apache Spark
1) Heart Disease Prediction using Decision Tree Classification Model
2) Diabetes Prediction using Logistic Regression Model and One-vs-Rest classifier (a.k.a. One-vs-All) Model
A Real time Use Case on Apache Spark
About Databricks:
Databricks lets you start writing Spark ML code instantly so you can focus on your data problems.
Disease Prediction 2 Projects in Apache Spark(ML) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) Community edition»
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