Bacteriology essential review in half hour
Bacteriology basics principles in half hour in in easy way it is suitable for professional need to refresh their knowledge and for beginners i and for student in secondary school and medical student science students agriculture students
In this course we introduce basics in interesting methods slides quizzes assignments we give a brief about history of microbiology he beginnings of bacteriology paralleled the development of the microscope. The first person to see microorganisms was probably the Dutch naturalist van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1683 described some animalcules, as they were then called, in water, saliva, and other substances. These had been seen with a simple lens magnifying about 100–150 diameters. The organisms seem to correspond with some of the very large forms of bacteria as now recognized. and pioneer participate in revolution of the science Robert Koch who discover anthracis tuberculosis Koch postulate Pasteur who discovered pasteurization fermentation autoclaves hot air oven lister who discovered sterilization it is science susceptibility to the disinfectant is different speak about morphology how bacteria appear under microscope after it is stained it appears in form of cocci bacilli comma shape filamentous spiral we give brief notes on bacterial nutrion bacterial growth bacterial products we speak about bacterial pathogenicity and virulence we give example diphtheria how microbiologist participate in identifying the cause of disease and treat it and make vaccine
Bacteriology essential review in half hour»
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