Simulate real exam scenarios Prepare for GCP DevOps Engineer Set of Practice Test with detail Explain in each QnA’s
GCP Google Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Practice Tests
This is a based upon Simulation on real exam scenarios Prepare for Certification GCP DevOps Engineer Sets of Practice Tests with detail Explanation in each Questions and Answers.
Google Cloud Platform GCP is Fastest growing Public cloud. Professional Cloud DevOps certification is the one which help you to advance your career in Cloud Computing & learn about DevOps, CI CD pipeline in the context of GCP.
Welcome to my course on Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer Certification, Which is one of most updated best course on internet.
What you will get?
Fresh and updated material
Questions and Answers in Practice Mode
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The Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer exam assesses your ability to:
Apply site reliability engineering principles to a service
Optimize service performance
Implement service monitoring strategies
Build and implement CI/CD pipelines for a service
Manage service incidents
Learn the skills needed to be successful in a cloud DevOps engineering role
Prepare for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification exam
Techniques for monitoring, troubleshooting, and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud guided by principles of SRE.
Understand the purpose and intent of the Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification and its relationship to other Google Cloud certifications
About the Certification Exam:
Length: Two hours
Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)
Languages: English
Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select
Simulate real exam scenarios Prepare for GCP DevOps Engineer Set of Practice Test with detail Explain in each QnA’s»
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