Learn C++ syntax basics and modern Object-Oriented Programming techniques and tips
This course offers an introduction to the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm using C++, a modern object-oriented language that is relevant and popular in the industry. The course entails the modeling of objects and classes, object-oriented facilities such as inheritance and polymorphism, native data structures, exception handling, file management and I/O streams.
· The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming through C++ and to enhance the programming skills of the students by giving practical assignments to be done in labs.
· To learn how to write functions for efficiency and performance
· To understand how C++ improves C with object-oriented features
· To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language
· To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse
· To learn how to implement copy constructors and class member functions
· To understand the concept of data abstraction and encapsulation
· To learn how to overload functions and operators in C++
· To learn how inheritance and virtual functions implement dynamic binding with polymorphism
· To learn how to design and implement generic classes with C++ templates
· To learn how to use exception handling in C++ programs
Gui Applications
Operating Systems
Web Browsers and utilities
Database Management Sytems
Libraries – Machine learning, AR/VR
Cloud Computing & Distributed Applications
Game Development
Learn C++ syntax basics and modern Object-Oriented Programming techniques and tips»
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