الطريق الى أوراكل أبكس
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Our course is about Oracle APEX
The course will be simple and well organized
we will go through each part step by step
we will try not to miss anything,
and if we missed something and you asked about
we will come back to you with the answer.
The course will be divided into many levels
The standard course for the beginners
will be on high priority, we will publish the level and put timetable
to continue the next level not to wait too much
for example, in October we will announce that we will do
1,2,3, etc…
For who does not know, what is oracle APEX?
It is a new technology, started to spread fast nowadays, but it started in 2004 or before
and many versions were announced before like 3.2, 4.2, 4.5, 5.1, 5.2
till they linked the level with the database itself
Why do they call it APEX 18 although the last version is 5.2?
because they started the link with the database.
Oracle Developer 13 was announced with APEX 18, etc..
till the last version 19.1 which we will work on.
TO understand APEX
Oracle wanted to link web designers and developers with APEX
What did they do?
they linked APEX and oracle database with web technology
you can use html, CSS and Java Script with their libraries
with your PI/SQL code
at first, you need very simple experience in PI/SQL to work with APEX
when you increase your experience in PI/SQL, you will be developed fast
also, if you know html, this will help you much
if you know CSS, this will help also
if you added java script, you will be a professional APEX developer
okay guys!
this is the sequence
So Why APEX?
APEX is web based
what does «web based» mean?
it means that you do not need a user interface to work on
C# needs visual studio
Android needs Android studio
But in APEX, you work directly on the browser
In addition, APEX was developed with APEX
Everything you use in APEX was developed with APEX
in addition, «No Coding» option makes you write less codes
While developing, there is always adding, deleting or modifying
The order that could take 5 steps to achieve, now you can make it in 2 steps
and instead of coding, you use wizard
To make your focus more on the business
So now you do not have to think how to make Update, Insert or Delete
you can make it directly
it is a great advantage to use «No Coding» option
that means very few codes!
and it is web based so you are using only the browser
and for sure it is so secure
also, you can make Host-Publish as you want
you have all the web technologies and advantages
at the same time, you have all the power of oracle database and PI/SQL
so, it is obvious that «No Coding» option makes you make
Solution & Success so fast and fast prototype
in addition to teaching resources and ready applications that you can learn from
also, the support is pretty good with APEX
in the past, we had to search for information for months to find a solution
now the support is very good from both sides
side 1: Oracle and PI/Sql developers
side 2: web and java script developers
Every short period of time, they publish new Plugins
This is not the case in any other programming language as I know
when you make a new item, so you need to add a specific feature
in the past, you write a code.
but now, when you find a plugin with the function that you need,
you just import this plugin to the application
the plugin can be item, process, region, etc…
plugin can be for anything in APEX
for example, plugin as dynamic action
plugin as a chart, plugin as item
plugin as a process
plugin as a region
so you can find a plugin for every component inside APEX
and this plugin was tested, and you can find a description for it easily
when the plugin becomes so popular and lots of developer use it
you will find the new version of it built in
APEX is a very good technology that attracted most of old oracle forums developers
because there is no high demand for oracle forums
this may be because of its interface
or because the customers need something online using web
APEX also attracted ADF developers because they faced problems in the rendering time
and also, they need java to work in ADF
but in APEX, you do not need rendering
you can modify online easily
you can «Run» and change the page immediately for the user
APEX also attracted the web developers who works on php
because they found it easier not to write codes for Update, Insert, Delete, etc…
That is why APEX attracted web developers
APEX is being developed so fast
Salaries in APEX are so HIGH
because the number of developers is still low
when you search for oracle developers, you will find a lot.
(With respect for them for sure)
But APEX developers are so few
SO, it is a good opportunity for new developers to enter now!
you will find good opportunities for jobs
because number of APEX developers is low
they are few chances but great chances!
we will start the course and go through everything
if I missed something, just ask me and I will cover next times
we will upload a new lessons every time,
will try to continue Add a lessons
the first level will include the standard lessons which the beginner needs
then we will introduce the security part, templates, themes, advanced then projects
the course will be continuous and updated
I have just received many offers to make the course online with higher price
but I preferred to make it as a reference for anyone
because some people watched the old course on YouTube
but there were many questions and ambiguities
the videos were so long, not well organized and without index
so, I decided to make this course in a very good way
and as I told you, it will be continuous and updated each period of time.
for example, starting from January or February
we will listen to the reviews and the suggestions about the course
and we would help you in some projects if you asked for this
the course will be so helpful for you for good job opportunities
for who know APEX, this will be a very good reference for you.
If I made mistakes, I hope you tell me
Because all my study in APEX is a self-study
so, there are some stuff that I am doing it for the first time with you
because I never needed it or used it
each new information will be added to the course
as I told you, it will be continuous and a reference for all developers
I ask God that you like the content, and I am happy for
your questions and reviews
there will be an advanced part for the questions that you will ask
we will also continue uploading some free videos for who cannot pay for the course
الطريق الى أوراكل أبكس»
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