A simplified & comprehensive EMDR course for PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Phobia, and Trauma therapy.
This is the most simplified and comprehensive course on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy for treating distressing diseases like post-traumatic stress disorder, phobia, addiction, depression, physical assault, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, etc.
This course explains the basics and advanced concepts of EMDR, including medical concepts like the adaptive information processing model, bilateral stimulation, etc. Eight phases of EMDR are explained in detail. Exercise techniques are demonstrated by performing live videos. This course also includes self-EMDR exercises. You don’t need any prior knowledge to do this course.
Are there any requirements for doing this course?
No! This course does not need any prior knowledge or experience.
Which age group will find the exercises most useful?
These exercises are suitable for all the age groups, like children, adults, or old.
You will learn about-
Introduction of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy)
How does EMDR work?
AIP (Adaptive Information Processing) model
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Different psychological scales used in EMDR therapy
Eight phases of EMDR therapy in detail
Window of tolerance
Self place
Other coping strategies
Who should do this course?
This course can be helpful for anyone-
who suffers from distressing diseases like post-traumatic stress disorder, phobia, addiction, depression, physical assault, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, etc.
who wants to become a therapist
who wants to learn self-EMDR therapy.
A simplified & comprehensive EMDR course for PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Phobia, and Trauma therapy.»
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