Get more from every meeting whether it’s in-person, teleconference, video conference, online meeting, Zoom, or Skype

Meetings are a great way to build your team, and get on the same page with your team.

Unfortunately, not everyone know how to make their meeting optimized and more productive. This is where this course comes in.

In this course, you will learn how to organize your meetings, make sure they go smoothy and remain focused on their goals, and ultimately benefit your project or organization.


If you identify which projects or tasks get you closest to your goals, you’ll only set up or join the meetings that accomplish that. Otherwise, you’ll know to avoid those meetings, and won’t waste your time.


Most meetings accomplish very little because they are not well-planned, and are treated as a free-fora-all. If a meeting have organizers who manage the meeting flow, it will prevent wasting time, going on tangents, or other unproductive things that can derail meetings or suck all the effectiveness out of them.

In this course, you will learn how to plan meetings, organize meetings, manage the meetings as they occur, and how to follow up with meeting notes and next steps after the meeting.

Invest in your career! Enroll today.

Effective In-Person & Virtual Zoom Meetings

Get more from every meeting whether it’s in-person, teleconference, video conference, online meeting, Zoom, or Skype»

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