Become a digital marketing expert. Learn proven digital marketing strategies with my roadmap and 24/7 expert support
Do you want to become a full-fledged digital marketer and unlock your career? Need advice on how to get started?
I want to help you achieve all your goals through online learning by providing you with 24/7 support during your studies and beyond. Your access to the course is for life.
This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a solid understanding of digital marketing, the knowledge of how to develop a successful strategy for your business, and tools to unlock your digital marketing career. In this course, I’ll teach you the cornerstones of digital marketing and the major tactics of digital strategy.
This digital marketing training will cover every aspect of digital marketing:
Digital Marketing Strategy
Google Analytics
Website and Usability
Search Engine Optimization
Content Marketing Strategy
Social Media Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing Strategy
Google Ads
Conversion Optimization (CRO)
Link Building
Throughout this course, you will work on real-world projects and case studies to gain hands-on experience developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy. Each section of this course is hugely interactive and provides information that will help you gain all the necessary skills for your career:
1. Theoretical Knowledge
You’ll get additional resources about digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, PPC, marketing analytics, data analytics, conversion rate optimization, etc.
video lectures
lists of tools and books
vocabulary lists with key terms
tips and info about digital marketing trends
2. Practical Lessons
Learn the step-by-step process of how to market a business online from scratch across all major marketing channels. Follow the on-screen steps to achieve results at work, for your own business, or for your digital marketing clients.
This digital marketing course is designed for both beginners with no prior experience in digital marketing as well as intermediate learners. Whether you are a small business owner, digital marketer, or marketing professional looking to expand your skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in the digital world.
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to confidently implement marketing strategies across all the major online marketing channels:
Create your company’s mission and unique selling proposition
Conduct market research to obtain critical information about your niche and the overall business landscape
Analyze your competitors and their digital marketing strategies
Identify your target audience to better understand your customers
Establish a KPI system
Use analytics and data to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions
Construct a media plan and budget for key traffic channels
Set up and optimize your site for SEO and increase your website’s performance
Develop a content marketing plan
Optimize your content to increase search engine visibility and attract more loyal customers
Create and manage your own PPC campaigns
Use social media to build brand awareness and drive website traffic
Create effective email campaigns and measure their performance
At the end of this in-depth digital marketing course, you will get a comprehensive list of tips on how to find your job in digital marketing:
Discover which digital marketing certifications you need and how to obtain them
Learn how to create a CV and which digital marketing skills you should include
Get hacks on how to improve your personal brand on social media and make your profiles more visible
Gain access to job search resources, such as career websites, job boards, and professional networking sites
Prepare for your successful virtual job interview and learn hacks for demonstrating your digital marketing expertise
As a result of your hard work, you will receive a digital marketing certificate, which will be a shiny accolade to add to your CV. 400K satisfied students have already successfully completed this course and you can too!
Why should you start learning digital marketing with me?
I am the CEO of two global Digital Marketing Agencies, WebPromoExperts, and Skillsbooster Academy. We are industry experts with over 12 years of experience in online marketing. Our agencies have Google Premier Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner status.
My credentials are Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Ads Individual Qualification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, Search Ads360 Certified and many others.
We have launched more than 2K successful marketing strategies and marketing campaigns.
Over 400K digital marketing specialists have successfully completed my online courses.
What else will you receive when enrolling in this digital marketing course?
Lifetime access to the course and all updates
Personalized 24/7 support and answers to your questions
Udemy certificate of completion
30-day 100% money-back guarantee
Are you ready to start your digital marketing journey?
Click the «Buy now» button to enroll in the course, and I’ll see you soon at your first lecture!
Become a digital marketing expert. Learn proven digital marketing strategies with my roadmap and 24/7 expert support»
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