Create complete chatbots from start to finish using Google dialogflow chatbot. Learn to integrate chatbot in websites

Welcome guys my name is Anwer Khan and I will be your instructor throughout this course. In this course I will talk straight to the point. Therefore, we will cover more in less time.

With recent advancements in machine learning and natural language understanding, it has now become possible for humans and machines to have a conversation. This was previously a difficult problem to solve. Chatbots are now commonplace and are helping businesses with repetitive tasks such as taking orders or answering frequently asked questions.

A chatbot might prove to be the perfect introduction to a business model to help provide some automation and let employees focus on more important aspects of a business. But how do you begin building a chatbot, and how can you train it so that it gets smarter over time? This is where Google DialogFlow comes into the picture.

DialogFlow is a natural language understanding platform used to design and integrate a conversational user interface into mobile apps, web applications, devices, bots, interactive voice response systems and related uses.

In this course, we will get hands-on and create an actual chatbot from scratch and that is able to have a conversation with a user to gather meaningful information. Along the way, we’re going to learn about topics like intents, entities, parameters, context, and whole lot more, and we will see how Google Dialogflow makes the process of configuring a chatbot very easy.

You will also learn how to easily deploy the chatbot on your website, and see all the various integrations that are possible with platforms such as Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be able to immediately put Dialogflow to use in your own business.

I invite you to join me on this Dialogflow journey, Let’s get started.

Thank You.

Dialogflow Chatbot Essential Training || Masterclass ||

Create complete chatbots from start to finish using Google dialogflow chatbot. Learn to integrate chatbot in websites»

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