Flask + Docker + gunicorn + RestAPI

I will not waste your time by writing welcome to this course but I can claim that if you go through this course you will learn FIrebase easily. In this course, you will get complete knowledge on how to use the Firebase database in your Android App. You will learn the entire concept and then will easily be able to use it in your app and I can claim that. All concepts are explained in simple language. You will learn from starting and there is no need for prior knowledge of Firebase. We will make an app in this course using Firebase for proper learning. You will also get the code of the app for free. So welcome to this course.

In this course, you will get complete knowledge on how to use the Firebase database in your Android App. You will learn the entire concept and then will easily be able to use it in your app and I can claim that. All concepts are explained in simple language. You will learn from starting and there is no need for prior knowledge of Firebase. We will make an app in this course using Firebase for proper learning. You will also get the code of the app for free. So welcome to this course.

Happy Coding!!

Deploying Python Apps using Flask and Docker from Scratch

Flask + Docker + gunicorn + RestAPI»

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