Become Data Literate. Learn Key Statistics and Analytics for Business. Public Speaking with Data and Decision Making.
How comfortable do you feel with data?
In a recent survey by the popular Business Intelligence tool Qlik, only 24% of the people thought their data skills were good enough. The percentage dropped to 21% for younger people.
The goal of the course is to give you the skills, tools, and framework to become data literate and improve your Data-Driven Decision-Making.
The Data Literacy definition is the ability to read, work/analyze and communicate with data, which serves as the structure for the course.
The Key Statistical Concepts section aims to give you the most common concepts. It is essential you know them as they are the basis for the analytics tools used in companies. After each concept, you will apply them in a case study about a pizza delivery business using excel or google sheets.
The Analytics for Business section is a mix of learning to read the data and working/analyzing the data. We will learn the concepts and see how to apply them to business. For instance, we will use probabilities for investment decisions.
The most extensive section of the course is about Data-Driven Decision-Making. We learn the process and pitfalls using case studies. By the end, you will be able to pinpoint the most common biases in arguments, distinguishing trash from treasure.
The last section is dedicated to communicating using data. The aim is to learn to become a better public speaker using data. There is a reason why finance presentations have a soporific effect on the audience. We need to address three main components: the general principles of public speaking with data, creating visualizations, and facing challenges. Master these three pillars and will be much better than the average person.
Revolutions never go backward, only forward, and never at a constant rate. The data revolution has started and has changed businesses immensely. Will you be part of it?
Become Data Literate. Learn Key Statistics and Analytics for Business. Public Speaking with Data and Decision Making.»
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