Gain invaluable critical thinking skills for problem solving and decision making. Plus, gain problem solving skills
Learn to think better: learn critical thinking, logic, and how to examine information that is presented to you. After you synthesize all the information and put it through a good examination, you’ll be more confidently and accurately able to classify certain information as true and false.
Once you have reliable information through critical thinking, you will then be able to use that information for your problem solving for life and career.
Most philosophy and critical-thinking classes online and at universities are too theoretical, and that makes them boring. But in this course, every logical fallacy we’ll encounter will have real-life applications and examples to help you make the course applicable to your life.
Many problem solving courses and strategies focus on few robotic steps to solve a problem. But they miss the bigger picture. Real people are the ones solving the problems so we must also include human elements that go into problem solving. Those human elements include your confidence, mental health, and interest in the problem.
All those parts of problem solving are as important as the logical parts of problem solving, and when they are combined, your problem solving skills rise to a new level.
When you are better equipped to examine information you are presented, you will be better able to understand which information is accurate and which information in misleading. Having more accurate information to deal with will immediately improve your decision making.
Invest in your future! Enroll today.
Gain invaluable critical thinking skills for problem solving and decision making. Plus, gain problem solving skills»
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