A Mastercourse
MAXON CINEMA 4D S24 is a 3D software developed by MAXON Computer. This software is mainly used by professional 3D artists to create impressive 3D scenes, VFX, and broadcast artwork. CINEMA 4D S24 is used to create stunning 3D graphics. It also provides fast and easy solution to architects, designers, and photographers to create realistic animations and is used for product visualization. It also has the ability to import models from all major 2D and 3D file formats and is also a perfect solution for creating high quality broadcast graphics
This video course aims at harnessing the power of MAXON CINEMA 4D S24 for modelers, and designers. The video course caters to the needs of both the novice and the advance users of MAXON CINEMA 4D S24. Keeping in view the varied requirements of users, the course first introduces the basic features of CINEMA 4D S24 modeling and then progresses to cover the advanced techniques. Also, one project is based on the tools and concepts covered in the video series have been added to enhance the knowledge of users.
This course is basically designed to assist 3D modelers. Keeping in view the varied requirements of the students, this course covers a wide range of tools and features such as various selection, placement, polygon modeling, Spline modeling, Sculpting, Volume modeling and so on. On the completion of this course, students will be able to model the complex objects and thereby model interior and exterior scenes with much ease.
Salient Features of this Course:
A comprehensive course consisting of 53 video lectures that are organized in a pedagogical sequence.
Detailed explanation of all Cinema 4D modeling commands and tools.
Step-by-step instructions to guide the users through the learning process.
One project at the end of the course to enable the users to apply
the skills learned in the course
Practice Test
Certificate of Completion
A Mastercourse»
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