Grammar Fundamentals, Real conversations, Common life dialogues, Travel dialogues, Numbers, Lot of exercices included!

Through this course you will learn as fast as possible Italian mastering the grammar basics as well as learning more than 1000 words alongside their correct pronunciation!

During this course you will learn, in a very complete and interactive way, how to speak and create sentences from scratch for different real-life situations.

In particular, in the first section of this course you the grammar basics are explained. The most important rules are included and explained as well. A complete explanation is provided making also differences between English and Italian languages in order to make the learning much easier and more understandable.

Furthermore, an entire lecture about numbers and how to read is provided. The third section is about verbs, in particular the verb To Be and To Have.

At this point, the next lectures are more interactive and the approach used is Dialogues-based. In other words, dialogues related to real life situations are provided alongside their translation. During such lectures the teacher will read both the English and Italian dialogues in order that the students will practice with the pronunciation as well as they will learn both such sentences and the words that they include.

Moreover, you will be able to learn how to create Italian sentences using REAL EXAMPLES. This approach will make your learning EASIER and FASTER! Additionally, for each dialogues-based lecture an entire lecture about the nomenclature (related to the topic of the previous lecture) is provided. Through these lectures you will learn the correct pronunciation and you will practice with the teacher your pronunciation.

Finally, a small exercise-book is provided with solutions too!

What are you waiting for? Let’s learn Italian with US!

Complete Italian Course: Learning Italian for Beginners 2022

Grammar Fundamentals, Real conversations, Common life dialogues, Travel dialogues, Numbers, Lot of exercices included!»

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