Build 8 fully functional widgets for Android devices – Right from Scratch in just 2 hours

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Learn How to build 8 Android Widgets right from scratch in just 2 hours

If you are an Android developer who has a good understanding of the application basics, then here’s your chance to expand your Android knowledge and move to the next-level in Android development.

In this course, you will learn how to build 8 commonly-used widgets on Android all on your own. The Instructor has opted for a hands-on approach to teaching these concepts.

You will learn how to create a Menu, a Navigational Drawer, a Collapsing Toolbar, and much more.

Who’s teaching you in this course?

I am a Computer Science graduate highly rated instructor with a rating of 4.3 and more than 200k students on Udemy, I have been part of the corporate circle since his college days. In his early days, I was part of a startup team delivering production grid android apps. Currently, I am a lead developer at EdYoda. I’m responsible for the entire front-end development & integration with the back-end. React, Python, Django is my areas of expertise. I have been delivering corporate training for Android, React, JavaScript, Python & Django. I have an eye for detail & that makes me suited for delivering a finished product. I’m a fitness freak & working out is the favorite thing to do in my spare time.

I want everyone to enjoy the learning process and I have shared my knowledge that will be helpful for Android developers.


Are you ready??

Your time starts now!

Happy learning
Team EdYoda

Building Android Widgets from scratch (Learn 8 Widgets)

Build 8 fully functional widgets for Android devices – Right from Scratch in just 2 hours»

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