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Build An Audio Video Player With Python And Tkinter

Build MP3 Player and Video Player GUI Apps with Python using TKinter

Welcome to the «Build An Audio Video Player With Python using Tkinter»  course, a Tkinter is the standard Python interface for developing GUI. Python with Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications.

In this course first, you will learn about Tkinter widgets that we will use in our application. You will learn how to use widgets, how to customize them, how to change their properties, and a lot more.

I will start by helping you to get your setup done, which includes Python, pip, and, PyCharm IDE installation, we will install the required python packages as and when needed.

Then after I’ll teach you how to make GUI for these two applications in Python using Tkinter and then we will integrate the functionality.

We are going to learn about

  • pygame to play audio files

  • vlc to play video files

  • tinytag to get audio metadata

  • Displaying gif images in Tkinter

  • timedelta to convert time in hh:mm:ss format

We’ll be building an MP3 player and a video player with all functionalities possible in this course, we will be able to play, pause & stop the audio/video files, and we will also be able to move forward/backward the audio/video file while it’s playing.

We will also have an interface to change the volume, we will be able to mute/unmute the audio, and we will also be able to adjust the volume using the scale widget of Tkinter.

In the end, we will add a slider to move back and forth on a track and can play the track from any specific time.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating an Audio/Video Player GUI application with Python.

Build An Audio Video Player With Python And Tkinter

Build MP3 Player and Video Player GUI Apps with Python using TKinter»

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