A hands-on introduction to software containerization deployments using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes

You know that the demand for skilled Docker and Kubernetes container administrators is going nowhere but up, and you want in.

Well that’s a great idea. If there’s an application deployment coming to your neighborhood anytime soon, then there’s an excellent chance it’ll be delivered by way of containers. This brief course won’t magically turn you into a highly skilled container admin all on its own, but it will help you understand why all the smart kids are moving to containers, how various Docker and Kubernetes tools work together to make beautiful music together, and which hosting platforms will make the most sense for your project.

You’ll learn how to configure and launch real-world container workloads using tools like LXD, Docker Swarm, Docker Compose, minikube, kubectl, and helm. And you’ll become comfortable with the form and function behind terms like: containers, containerd, control plane, etcd, scheduler, nodes, pods, Kubelet, and Kube-proxy.

If you’re just interested in getting a quick bird’s eye view of the current state of container technologies, then you can sit back and enjoy the journey. But we’ve also included everything you might need to follow along with the practical demos on your own laptop or work station. Successfully completing all the reading content, lesson learning checks, and demos yourself will leave you with a strong sense of how containers can improve the work you do.

Either way, you know you’d love to enrol in this course: «Big Picture: Docker and Kubernetes Container Virtualization»

Big Picture: Docker and Kubernetes Container Virtualization

A hands-on introduction to software containerization deployments using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes»

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