Apache Spark with Scala Crash Course useful for Databricks Certification Unofficial for beginners

Apache Spark with Scala useful for Databricks Certification(Unofficial)

Apache Spark with Scala its a Crash Course for Databricks Certification Enthusiast (Unofficial) for beginners

“Big data» analysis is a hot and highly valuable skill – and this course will teach you the hottest technology in big data: Apache Spark. Employers including Amazon, eBay, NASA, Yahoo, and many more. All are using Spark to quickly extract meaning from massive data sets across a fault-tolerant Hadoop cluster. You’ll learn those same techniques, using your own Operating system right at home.

So, What are we going to cover in this course then?

Learn and master the art of framing data analysis problems as Spark problems through over 30+ hands-on examples, and then execute them up to run on Databricks cloud computing services (Free Service) in this course. Well, the course is covering topics which are included for certification: 

1) Spark Architecture Components

  • Driver,

  • Core/Slots/Threads,

  • Executor

  • Partitions

2) Spark Execution

  • Jobs

  • Tasks

  • Stages

3) Spark Concepts

  • Caching,

  • DataFrame Transformations vs. Actions, Shuffling

  • Partitioning, Wide vs. Narrow Transformations

4) DataFrames API

  • DataFrameReader

  • DataFrameWriter

  • DataFrame [Dataset]

5) Row & Column (DataFrame)

6) Spark SQL Functions

In order to get started with the course And to do that you’re going to have to set up your environment.

So, the first thing you’re going to need is a web browser that can be (Google Chrome or Firefox, or Safari, or Microsoft Edge (Latest version)) on Windows, Linux, and macOS desktop

This is completely Hands-on Learning with the Databricks environment.

Apache Spark with Scala useful for Databricks Certification

Apache Spark with Scala Crash Course useful for Databricks Certification Unofficial for beginners»

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