Improve your skills in acting.

In this acting course, Ram will teach about acting (camera & theater), diction, navras, characterisation, body language, dialogue delivery & importance of backstories ( how to bring real-life experiences into every role and how to build your own characters). As a trained actor from theater ,he uses advanced acting techniques to portray complex characters. he introduces students to various methods and techniques which he use to teach and enhance their acting skills.

there are no prerequisites or previous knowledge needed for this course . this course teaches acting at the beginner level.

if your dream is to be in front of camera as an actor then you have to learn about acting and have to improve your acting skills.

this course will provide the tools which you need to be a successfull actor.

there are many topics are covered in this training program like ,what is acting ? who can became an actor ? how to cry & laugh for camera ( कैमरा के सामने कैसे रोया या हंसा जाए ? ) what is the importance of imrovisation ? , what are the backstories of actor ?

NAVRASES in acting ? ( अभिनय में नवरस क्या है  ), what is characterisation ( चरित्रचित्रण ) ? importance of body language , dialogue delivery , diction in acting ( अभिनय में उच्चारण , नुक्ता क्या है ).etc..

Acting course – tools of acting

Improve your skills in acting.»

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