This is how beginners can trade those 5 strategies

In this course you can find my detailed step by step instructions for the 5 best known strategies in daytrading and how I implement them. On a total of 75 screenshots taken in Metatrader 5 I will show you, how I approach preparation for trades the same way over and over again. The preparation goes from the D1 chart to H1 to the entry candle in the M5 timeframe. I will show you in detail how I plan specific entries and how I implement risk and trade management. You can then use those instructions as a template for your own trades with the according strategies. After every lesson you can find many exercises, which you can apply in your own software. This course is basically the third volume to my books «Mein 1. Jahr als Trader» and the follow up «Mein 2. Jahr als Trader», in which I have been documenting my training to become a trader from day one. I have decided to use this next current state of my trading skills for this course instead of a book, simply because I wanted to try something new. In addition, a course offers way more opportunities than a book. I have started a bit timid with this first approach, but time after time I will add new content. I would be more than happy about your feedback, if this course helped you in any way 🙂

Daytrading course for GER40 trading

This is how beginners can trade those 5 strategies»

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