Crisis Management – the Economic response to a pandemic

This course – filmed in June 2020 and onwards – deals with two main themes:

a, the Economics response to the COVID-19 pandemic

b. How this response will be paid for

We look at responses from:

  • USA

  • India

  • UK

  • Brazil

  • Japan

  • The EU

  • China

  • South Korea

  • Australia

  • Canada

…and other countries.

There are two very significant features of this course:

1. It will be constantly updated through new lectures, workbooks, Educational Announcements and discussions

2. On my other main Economics course there are 1000+ discussions in the Q/A section. That is how this course will be up to date – input from students that enrol.

The pace is slow – suitable for beginners – but the topics are very very serious.

  • Death from the virus

  • Responses

  • Deaths from the responses

  • Impact on governments, businesses – and citizens worldwide

There is an additional section on globalisation – all are welcome to contribute! There are students enrolled from most countries in the world – think what you can share!

  • Causes

  • Characteristics

  • Multinationals and globalisation

  • Advantages/disadvantages

  • Whether globalisation is irreversible

Another section has been added on ‘Improving English’. So, even if you’re not specialising in Economics because the events here are shared by all you can also add to your communication skills!

It is now September 2022 and the course can be further updated – based on submissions in the Q/A – so join in!

We also look at Covid-19, the Elderly and the Economy. Which is best – to be locked down, locked in and left isolated, bewildered and abandoned or mixing with everyone (many of whom are not wearing masks) and thus be exposed to risk?

Crisis Management

Crisis Management – the Economic response to a pandemic»

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