Make your next conversation better

In this course, you will be introduced to 3 essential coaching skills that will make your conversations better. Whether you are a Project Leader, Project Manager, Scrum Master, or Team Member, the skills introduced in this course will help you level up your conversations and how you interact with your team or colleagues in general.

This course will raise your level of awareness of 3 essential coaching skills. Even if you are already using these coaching skills, you will become more intentional about how to use them more effectively. You could start applying one or all of these skills immediately in your conversations and interactions.

This course offers concrete examples for each skill. Any new skill starts with awareness and with new awareness comes choice. First, you will become aware of how these skills improve your conversation. Second, you can choose to practice these skills. Third, you will notice the impact on your conversations.

Throughout the course, you will be able to pause and reflect on how to apply these skills. You can practice after each skill or you can watch all the skills and then choose one of them to practice to improve.

Finally, most lessons have additional resources that will help you on your journey! Time to start your journey!

3 Essential Coaching Skills for Project Leaders

Make your next conversation better»

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