Guidance to reduce stress

Notice: Please do NOT enrol on this course on impulse, thinking you might watch it later. Maybe show an interest on impulse, yes, but before you enrol, watch the Preview videos, read the Course Description and then make a decision. If you then enrol then please start the course as soon as possible. Watch the lectures, look at the workbooks and join in the discussions. Joining my courses is a serious business and I want you to get the most out of your study – but I also want you to enjoy the course.

That is why I am asking that you only enrol because you really want to and that you start the course intending to make full use of all the resources.

You will be very welcome.

This is an unusual course as it is centred round one theme only: turning to religion as a means of seeking guidance to reduce stress.

We look at the following:

  • Stress

  • What causes stress?

  • What is stress?

  • How to deal with Stress?

  • A stress-free life is possible!

  • A Calm Heart

  • COVID-19 impact

The entire first half of the course was shot on a cruise, a cruise where country after country turned the ship away as the coronavirus commenced its worldwide havoc.

So –

  • Numerous biblical references

  • Other religions also referenced

  • Scenic shots

  • Mindfulness

This is a course for you to dwell on, for you to enjoy and to be at peace.

A new section has been added on creating a Stress Workbook…for yourself

Turning to Religion to reduce STRESS

Guidance to reduce stress»

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