7 Quick and Easy Steps That Will Make You a Confident Player, Creator & Investor in This New Reality

*** This course comes with custom-made English captions ***

What exactly is the Metaverse?

What can we do in the Metaverse?

Does the Metaverse even exist yet?

Can you make money from the Metaverse?

Is the Metaverse really what we want for the future of humanity?

All your questions answered in this first complete practical guide to the Metaverse. This course covers not only definitions, technologies and Metaverse investment opportunities, but also more sensitive topics, such as social implications of the Metaverse, potential issues it will create for societies & laws it will need to govern it.

The most exciting thing is that we will not stop at theory! I will take you, step by step, through practical aspects of the Metaverse. At the end of this course, you will know how to set up your cryptocurrency wallet, use decentralized exchanges, create your avatar and connect your wallet to Metaverse platforms & NFT marketplaces.

After finishing this course, you will have all the knowledge and tools to start your Metaverse journey right away!

I’m Ziva, your instructor for this course, and I have one main objective: To make you a confident participant in the Metaverse, for whatever reason you would like to get involved – as a player, creator or investor.

I am a Metaverse & Blockchain enthusiast, and I want to share my passion with my students. I firmly believe that the Blockchain and the technologies it powers have the same transformative potential as the Internet had 30 years ago.

Most people don’t realize it, but the Metaverse could very well be the next big thing that will shape our future. I want you to be ready for the future that awaits us and not feel overwhelmed by rapid changes that technology imposes on our societies. Join me in this course to discover all opportunities that the Metaverse offers you!

In 7 easy steps we will cover all the aspects of the Metaverse. You will be able to reinforce your knowledge with quizzes & brainstorming exercises at the end of each section.

Throughout the course, I provide many visual examples to demonstrate the discussed topic, so that everything instantly becomes clearer.

We will start our journey by discussing different definitions of the Metaverse & discovering what the Metaverse is. We will look at the characteristics of the Metaverse and discover main Metaverse platforms.

You will finally understand the Blockchain and the purpose of NFTs and Smart Contracts. We will identify the technologies necessary to build a Metaverse and the technological barriers that we still need to overcome.

We will see concrete examples of the amazing potential of the Metaverse and how it is already transforming big industries.

We will devote almost one third of this course to investing in the Metaverse. You will learn how to evaluate risk when investing, identify direct & indirect investment opportunities, thoroughly research a Metaverse project, detect scams and rug pulls, as well as use a cryptocurrency wallet and decentralized exchanges.

Every new technology brings positive and negative things, and the Metaverse is no exception. In this course, we will analyze the potential good and bad impacts that the Metaverse will have on individuals and societies. We will brainstorm about what problems may arise with the Metaverse & what laws and regulations will the Metaverse need.

Finally, you will learn what the Big Tech is planning for the Metaverse and what is the future of the Metaverse.

At the very end, we will go on an adventure! We will connect our wallet to two of the most popular Metaverse platforms of the moment – Decentraland & The Sandbox – we will create our avatar and explore the platforms.

A detailed description of what you will learn:

– How do we define the Metaverse?

– What are Metaverse characteristics?

– Which are main Metaverse platforms?

– Transition from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0

– How Blockchain & NFTs function and fit into the Metaverse?

– What are Smart Contracts & DAOs?

– Technologies that power the Metaverse: Blockchain, NFTs; Extended, Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality; Artificial Intelligence; Internet of Things; 3D reconstruction

– What technological barriers we need to overcome?

– How is the Metaverse disrupting large industries (gaming, advertising, entertainment, education, real estate, financial services, health)

– Cool Metaverse experiences

– How to invest in the Metaverse with cryptocurrency, land, NFTs, launchpads, Metaverse Index, Metaverse Exchange Traded Funds & stocks.

– How to thoroughly research a Metaverse project

– How to detect scams & rug pulls with advanced methods

– How to use a Metamask wallet & decentralized exchanges

– What are the social implications of the Metaverse?

– What are potential positive & negative impacts of the Metaverse on societies?

– What are the challenges of the Metaverse?

– What laws & regulation are needed for the Metaverse?

– How do big companies see the future of the Metaverse?

– Let’s get started with the Metaverse! A practical guide to existing Metaverse platforms

Become Metaverse Master: The Ultimate Guide to The Metaverse

7 Quick and Easy Steps That Will Make You a Confident Player, Creator & Investor in This New Reality»

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