Accredited meditation certification course. Learn & teach a wide range of meditation techniques from around the world!
In this course, you’ll learn meditations from all around the world!
From mindfulness to zen to breath-work, chakras, Tibetan bowls, and everything in between, you’ll even be certified to teach meditation by the end of the course!
From new meditators to zen masters alike, no matter what your level of experience, you can gain a lot from exploring this course. By the end, you’ll have experience with over a dozen different styles of meditation!
This course is accredited by The Meditation Organization as a Certified Meditation Teacher Training Course — AMC (Accredited Meditation Course) #39283, and by IMMA (International Mindfulness & Meditation Alliance) as well — so once you receive your Meditation Certification at the end of this course, you’ll be able to teach meditation to others as well.
While many course creators make one-hour courses to maximize the ROI on their time (one hour courses often sell for as much as 20-hour courses), that’s not what this course is about. This course is my masterclass, a culmination of over a decade of learning meditation techniques from gurus around the world and teaching it to groups of students here in the United States. When friends and family ask me to teach them to meditate, I always wish I had a link to send them, that would cover everything that I would want to teach them if I only had the time. Well, I took the time to make this course, and this is the link that I will send to people in the future!
That’s why I’ve made this course as comprehensive as I could possibly make it, and why I will continue to add videos to this course over the months, years, and decades to come.
Welcome to my Meditation Masterclass. I hope you enjoy it
Accredited meditation certification course. Learn & teach a wide range of meditation techniques from around the world!»
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