Do you need change, innovation, and problem-solving skills to facilitate your project? You can get them via Easy 3 Steps
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About this course & What you will learn
Why do you learn innovation?
To go ahead with business in your company?
To be an entrepreneur?
Are you an Innovator?
If not, what do you do?
Do you know the innovation strategy? easy way to apply it?
In this course, you will learn Innovation Strategy, Tips, and the creation of innovative ideas proactively with Easy 3 Steps.
Section 1: Assess your innovation score & 2 Innovation quick win
If you get a low innovation score. It’s Ok. No problem! Why?
Do you catch up with new technologies?
Section 2: Digital Transformation (DX) and Innovation Strategy, Where to Play & How to win?
What is the relationship between DX and Innovation?
Individual idea creation, Learn from Innovator’s DNA by Clayton Christensen
Team idea creation as a leader, What is the AER framework?
Organization innovative culture creation, Is your company Purpose driven company?
Section3: Innovation Tips, +10%, +15~25%, +40~70%, +80%, +1000%,+1% Rules
Section4: Creation of innovative ideas proactively with easy 3 steps including a case study
Assessment & Davinci List
Framework application
Innovation Checklist to enhance innovation
At a glance
The evidence-based course was made from 52 quotations, 21 articles, 18 books, and 13 pieces of internet information with practices.
Institution: Roy Ashizawa, Specialist in Business Strategy and Learning & Development with 20+ certifications
Do you need change, innovation, and problem-solving skills to facilitate your project? You can get them via Easy 3 Steps»
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