The English Bunny – English Vocabulary for GRE | TOEFL | IELTS | GMAT | SAT | ACT | CAT

The English Bunny is a collection of short stories and prides itself on covering close to 2500 words and their meanings in just about 150 pages with 1 story per page and each story not exceeding 20 lines. Like never before, The English Bunny is here to revolutionize the way you learn and improve your English Vocabulary. If you are a student preparing for any competitive exam like GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, MCAT, SAT or ACT, you are hard-pressed on time and would want to master a lot of words in a short span of time. The English Bunny will help you memorize these words in a sure-shot fun way with very little effort. If you are a business professional, looking to enhance your communication skills by improving your vocabulary, The English Bunny will help you in your pursuit. If your first language is not English and you have difficulty in understanding complex English or if you are interested in improving your confidence, The English Bunny will help you in your pursuit. It is your fastest English vocabulary learning pal.

The English Bunny is available in paperbacks, ebooks, audiobooks and video courses across 195 countries in the world. There are practise tests that are available in the form of books for the convenience of students.

2500 English Words | 150 short stories | GRE | TOEFL | SAT

The English Bunny – English Vocabulary for GRE | TOEFL | IELTS | GMAT | SAT | ACT | CAT»

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