Learn Python Programming in 99 Days with Theoretical concepts, Practical, Examples, Assignments, Problems & Solution etc
Learn Python Programming in 99 Days with Theoretical concepts, Practical, Examples, Assignments, Problems & Solution etc
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Course for those, who are interested to become a successful Python Developer
Python which is developed by Guido van Rossum, which is the general-purpose programming language that is used to create any kind of software using its powerful and standard libraries.
There is a number of standard libraries that are developed with Python you can work with any field to get required functionalities like in Web development, AI, ML, Data Science, Data analytics, etc.
I created this course (Faisal Zamir — JafriCode) which contains everything related to Python from introduction to Python to creating an application with Python and providing home assignments to all students. The different topics as Installation & setup, Basic Python Syntax, Variables & Constant, If else, Loops, functions, list, tuple, dictionary, date and time, creating applications, etc.
At the end of this course, you will have cleared all topics related to Python.
You will be able to enter any field of Python like web development, Data Science, AI, Data Analytics, etc after this course, but Condition is that you should have to work with me as I taught you in video lectures.
If you do practice then you will be selected in any field to get admission (like Web Development, Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Data Analytics, etc).
Because we do hard work to create this course which has a lot of examples, questions, and assignments that enable you to improve your programming skills.
Thank you!
Best Regards
Faisal Zamir
Learn Python Programming in 99 Days with Theoretical concepts, Practical, Examples, Assignments, Problems & Solution etc»
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