A course that teaches SQL from the ground up
Structured Query Language (SQL) is THE language of relational databases.
Every software developer and data analytics engineer WILL interact with a relational database at some point in their career and SQL is the language of choice when talking to these databases.
Employers desire SQL language skills and it is a great resume enhancer if you know anything beyond just the basics.
In this course, you will learn the basics of SQL and some fairly advanced topics that will make you a valuable addition to any software team.
Most of the course (90%) will be spent on demos and problem solving rather than power point presentations and there are multiple quizzes, assignments and projects.
Finally, we will build a 3-tier web application using a PostgreSQL backend database which will teach you the advanced skills required to perform such a task.
If you have ever felt that you would like to learn more about SQL but are not sure about what course to take, Basics of SQL using PostgreSQL is an excellent course to try out.
There is no risk. This course has a 30-day money back guaranteed by Udemy.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you will have as much fun learning about SQL as I had teaching this course.
A course that teaches SQL from the ground up»
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